Thanks for your post, it was really helpful. I know this has already been described at the beginning, I just wanted to give a quick explanation and solution for anyone who has the same problem. As the game is now in keyboard mode, you will also have to remap all the remaining keyboard actions to the controller. Repeat for the other directions, then click "save" at the bottom. Start DOSBox, press CTRL+F1 to bring up the mapper tool, click one of the arrow keys in the upper right corner, click "add" at the bottom, then press the corresponding direction on the D-Pad. The solution: Your only option is to switch your game to keyboard mode, then remap the keyboard arrow keys to your D-Pad using the DOSBox mapper tool. For most games, this means you cannot use the D-Pad to control the game natively. The problem: By default, Dosbox assigns the left analog stick as the main controller axis. I wanted to use the D-Pad on my X360 controller to control DOS games, just like an old-fashioned Gravis gamepad. I hope this can help some people out with playing games on DOSBox.

There's also the inability to rebind mouse inputs such as the left or right click, mouse movement, and the scroll wheel on the original DOSBox's keymapper, so you're out of luck for point-and-click games or if you're planning to play Abuse on a controller unless you get Xpadder or similar programs. Older first-person shooter games like Doom aren't to keen when it comes to rebindable inputs for a controller as the horizontal axis on the right stick doesn't work for some reason the SVM Duam build does get around this but for some reason I can't sprint and shoot at the same time (it could be something I did with the config file though). So far this worked on some fighting games like One Must Fall 2097 or Super Street Fighter II: Turbo, shoot 'em ups like Tyrian 2000, and platformers Jill of the Jungle or Genocide 2: Master of the Dark Communion. Unfortunately this isn't the "end-all-be-all" solution for rebinding inputs on a controller. The same can be done for keyboard inputs, like mapping WASD to the Arrow Keys for Abuse. bind Arrow Key Up to D-Pad Up, Return/Enter Key to Start, Gamepad Button 1 on the Xbox 360 controller's A Button). If you want to bind a certain key to a controller input, let's say binding the arrow keys to the Xbox 360's controller's D-Pad, first you click the key on the on-screen keyboard for the arrow keys, then click on "Add" on the menu where you will be prompt to add another input to the command (e.g. The keymapper is kinda like DOSBox's Xpadder though not as advanced but gets the job done for the most part. By pressing Ctrl+F1, you'll get a screen like this: Now what if a particular game doesn't give you the ability to rebind the inputs for the controller or calibrate the analog sticks, either in-game or as a separate set-up program? This is where DOSBox's keymapper comes in (special thanks to F4LL0UT for this). By doing this, your D-Pad should work (thanks to enabling the D-Pad/Hat swtiches) and the analog sticks won't drift away (caused by "timed" being set to ). What you need to do is set "joysticktype" to fcs and "timed" needs to be set to false. You might also want to reset the mapper file (usually it's "mapper-0.74.map" by default for v0.74) or delete it before you change anything you can save a new one once you made the appropriate changes. After fiddling around the settings and looking up the solutions to these problems, these are the settings I use for some of the DOS games I play under DOSBox. Here are the default settings DOSBox's joystick settings, but the glaring problem these settings for Xbox 360 or XInput controllers is not being able to use the D-Pad and the analog stick not working properly. # buttonwrap: enable button wrapping at the number of emulated buttons. # autofire: continuously fires as long as you keep the button pressed. Experiment with this option, if your joystick drifts (away). # timed: enable timed intervals for axis. # Possible values: auto, 2axis, 4axis, 4axis_2, fcs, ch, none. # ( Remember to reset dosbox's mapperfile if you saved it earlier) # auto chooses emulation depending on real joystick(s).

# fcs (Thrustmaster), ch (CH Flightstick).

# 4axis_2 (supports one joystick, second joystick used), # 4axis (supports one joystick, first joystick used), # joysticktype: Type of joystick to emulate: auto (default), none,