The 6.2.1 jailbreak is tethered (for now) so please ensure you know what that means before using this.ĭownload Seas0nPass 0.9.7 from the iJailbreak Downloads page.
#Seas0npass 6.2.1 install#
This version defaults to 5.3 (untethered) and you can install 6.2.1 (tethered) by right-clicking the Create IPSW button.Here’s the full release notes for the updated Seas0nPass jailbreak tool for Apple TV2: Therefore, this new jailbreak will be handy for those who are still very loyal to their Apple TV 2.

#Seas0npass 6.2.1 update#
Several users are yet to update to the latest 4th gen Apple TV that comes with a brand new remote and Siri. So, keep the rebooting to a minimum if you can. Tethered jailbreak means that you’re going to have to connect your Apple TV 2 to your Mac every time it reboots.
#Seas0npass 6.2.1 for mac#
However, it will only provide a tethered jailbreak as of now and is only available for Mac users. The latest version 0.9.7 of Seas0nPass is a beta and supports OS X 10.11 El Capitan. The Seas0nPass tool to jailbreak Apple TV 2G has been updated to work with the latest 6.2.1 firmware or iOS 7.1.2. This is a tethered jailbreak and has been developed by the FireCore team. If you’re on the latest firmware 6.2.1 on your Apple TV, there is now a jailbreak available. Thaum peb muab nws tua tawm dua, peb yuav tsum pib nws ntxiv nrog txoj kev ua no.Apple TV 2G users, it’s time to rejoice. Cov txheej txheem yuav tiav thiab Apple TV yuav siv tau ib txwm.Thaum lub teeb pem hauv ntej nrov, peb txuas lub txuas hluav taws xob nrog lub Ntawv Qhia thiab Ntaus / khawm khawm nias li 7 vib nas this.Thaum nws nug peb, peb txuas lub Apple TV mus rau lub khoos phis nrog hlua cable.Peb tau txiav tawm ntawm Apple TV los ntawm lub khoos phis tawm (yog tias nws tau txuas nrog tom qab ua tiav qhov jailbreak).iTunes yuav tsum paub txog lub cuab yeej thiab pib ua haujlwm txuas ntxiv. Peb siv cov chaw taws teeb thiab nias cov ntawv qhia zaub mov thiab Ua Si / Nres cov nyees khawm tib lub sijhawm rau xya feeb kom txog thaum peb pom lub teeb nyem me rau ntawm hauv ntej ntawm Apple TV.Peb yuav raug nug kom txuas lub Apple TV mus rau lub khoos phis tawm.Cov cuab yeej yuav rub tawm cov firmware tseeb los ntawm Apple TV thiab tsim ib qho kev cai firmware rau kev rov tsim kho. Nco ntsoov tias peb tsis muaj iPhone, iPod lossis iPad txuas nrog peb lub khoos phis tawm.Nco ntsoov peb muaj cov iTunes tawm tshiab kawg.Yuav ua li cas rau jailbreak nrog Seas0nPass Hauv kuv lub tswvyim, nws tau nkag rau qhov haujlwm no los qhia tias nws tseem niaj hnub ua haujlwm. Nyob rau hauv no jailbreak lawv tau koom pod2g y iH8Sn0w, thawj ntawm cov uas tau coj lub rooj zaum nraub qaum hauv scene ntawm iOS txij TaiG thiab Pangu tuaj ua si. Rau cov neeg tsis paub, "tethered" txhais tau tias "khi", uas txhais tau tias koj yuav tsum txuas Apple TV rau lub cuab yeej thiab khiav "Boot Tethered" txhua zaus koj xav pib lub cuab yeej. Lub jailbreak rau 6.2.1 yog tethered (rau tam sim no), yog li thov nco ntsoov koj paub tias nws txhais li cas ua ntej ua li ntawd.Cov ntawv no ua haujlwm ntawm 5.3 (txuas ntxiv) thiab tso cai txhim kho 6.2.1 (tethered) los ntawm txhaj sab xis rau ntawm Tsim khawm IPSW.Cov beta no yog muaj tsuas yog rau Mac.2 Yuav ua li cas rau jailbreak nrog Seas0nPassĭab tsi tshiab nyob hauv Seas0nPass Dab tsi tshiab nyob hauv Seas0nPass 0.9.7.